Smartphone and Tablet Emporium

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Future of Smartphones - Merging Mind-Control Texting to Hologram Calls

What does the future hold for the confluence of smartphone and complementary technologies? George Lucas had the right idea. Holograms would be the natural evolution of video calls, capable of enhancing interactions by conveying all the nuanced body language that you just don't get on the grainy, 2D, 720p image of a person's face. Of course, the scope of hologram-emitting displays goes far beyond Skype and comedy re-enactments of Princess Leia begging Obi-Wan for aid. Such capability could create truly 3D maps, prototype models for designers or just a hugely enlarged display. Why squint at a 4.7in screen when the same content could be beamed outwards on a much bigger, easier to read scale? Holograms could also lend some much-needed personality to digital assistants by giving them an actual form. There's no way anyone could miss a Siri reminder if they're simultaneously greeted by a frazzled and overworked personification in 3D, angrily stomping around with a 'MEETING AT 3:30' placard. Which other technology plays are awaiting for our beloved smartphones? Send us your predictions here at the Smartphone and Tablet Zone:

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