Smartphone and Tablet Emporium

Friday, December 11, 2015

Smartphone and Internet of Things Forecast for 2016 and Beyond

Research firm Statistica has published their IoT forecast through 2019. The figures shows the market size of the global Internet of Things (IoT) market from 2009 to 2019. In 2013, the global IoT market had a size of 485.6 billion U.S. dollars.
Here are some highlights from this new Statistica Report: This dossier presents a range of statistics, facts and forecasts about the Internet of Things (IoT). The document includes information on the overall projected development of the IoT market, the technologies used, and the number of connected devices & things. It also comprises sections on the industry verticals and fields of application such as for example the health sector, wearables and smart homes:  Market size overview,  Enabling technologies (Sensors, RIFD, NFC, etc.),  Industry verticals / fields of application, Connected devices/things,  Mobile connections & users,  Smart wearables, trackers & clothing, Smart cities & home.. With the smartphone as the most prominent device in the IoT arena, these numbers surely reflect the smartphone ecosystem growth. What will be the 'actual' smartphone and IoT device growth over the next four years?  While our finite, mortal minds cannot be sure, feel free to share your comments with the Smartphone and Tablet Emporium.Download the complete report at:

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